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XL Catlin

XL Catlin is the global brand used by XL Group plc’s (NYSE:XL) insurance and reinsurance companies which provide property, casualty, professional and specialty products to industrial, commercial and professional firms, insurance companies and other enterprises throughout the world.  Clients look to XL Catlin for answers to their most complex risks and to help move their world forward. To learn more, visit

XL has had insurance operations in Dublin since 1990 and the city was XL’s first European location. Two of its EU-regulated platforms are represented in Dublin.

In 2006, it established the first Irish-domiciled reinsurance company authorized pursuant to the EU Reinsurance Directive which gives EU-based reinsurers a passport to do business throughout Europe.

XL Group plc has its registered office at 8 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin.

